The Economics of Death

Crash Course is a wonderful series of webcasts on various topics (economics and more). This item isn’t solely on affordable funeral services but it is pretty closely related so I thought it would be interesting to many of our readers, enjoy:

One of the import issues they discuss is the huge amount of health care spending at the end of life.

They also do discuss funeral costs: median price for funeral and burial in the USA was $7,181 (not including burial plot or the headstone) and for a funeral and cremation was $6,078.

The webcast recommend planning as the best advice to reduce costs of end of life care and funeral costs and we agree. As we have said in other posts, the funeral industry often plays on people’s fragile emotions to drain their bank account. By planning ahead and not leaving your survivors venerable you can help them avoid being taken advantage of.

Related: Final Rights: Reclaiming the American Way of DeathShopping for Funeral ServicesLong Term Care Insurance, Financially Wise but Current Options are Less Than Ideal